2018 Chicago Lesson Study Conference

Thursday – Friday, May 17–18, 2018
Prieto Math and Science Academy
2231 N. Central Ave.
Chicago, Illinois

Early registration deadline: April 26, 2016
Registration deadline: May 2, 2018
Click here to register


This conference will feature research lessons exploring how teaching math through problem-solving can help students develop the Mathematical Practices of the Common Core State Standards. Each lesson will be taught live to students, followed by an in-depth discussion about the design of the lesson and its impact on students, with final comments by Dr. Akihiko Takahashi of DePaul University and Dr. Tad Watanabe of Kennesaw State University.

Keynote Speaker

David Foster, Founder and Executive Director, Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative.

The goal of the SVMI is to improve mathematics instruction and student learning, and Lesson Study has been one of the core practices used by member districts. Established in 1996, the Silicon Valley Math Initiative now has over 160 member districts in the greater San Francisco area. David Foster has provided consulting to districts across the country, including the Chicago Public Schools. Before founding SVMI, David taught math and computer science at middle school, high school, and community college for eighteen years.

Research lessons

  • Grade 7 mathematics (algebra, addition of like terms) – Aaron Bingea, Brentano Math and Science Academy
  • Grade 2 mathematics (topic TBD) – Rebecca Reddicliffe, Chavez Multicultural Academic Center

Professional development credit will be available for Chicago Public School educators.


A tentative agenda will be posted soon. Last year’s agenda may be viewed here.


Early registration: $259 (by April 26)
Regular registration: $299 (by May 2*)
Discount: $30 per person for teams of 3 or more

Special rates for Chicago Public Schools personnel registering in teams of 3 or more:
CPS Early registration: $149 per person (by April 26)
CPS Regular registration: $169 per person (by May 2*)

(*Note: Space is limited, and registration may close early. In 2017, registration closed 2 weeks early.)

Lunch and refreshments are included.

Payment may be made by check, purchase order, or credit card. Payment should be received by the registration deadline (March 20 for early bird registrations).


Registrations canceled prior to the registration deadline (April 26) will receive an 85% refund. No cancellations will be accepted after April 26.

Lunch selection

Lunch is provided both days. Please indicate your lunch preference when you register.


A room block has been reserved at The Freehand, which has been very popular with our guests in past years. Queen rooms are being held at $149 a night until April 2. Make your reservation here to receive the special rate. A free shuttle will be provided between The Freehand and the school.

Getting to Prieto

Free shuttle service will be provided between The Freehand hotel and the school (available to all conference attendees). Prieto Math and Science Academy is also reachable by public transportation, either from downtown or from hotels near the airport. There is plenty of parking.